1. Tripod
2. Drill rods
3. Hammer of
63.5 kg
4. Samplers
One of the most common in-situ tests is the standard penetration test or SPT and currently the most popular and economical means to obtain subsurface information (both inland and offshore). It offers the advantage of low cost, applicability to many soil types, samples are obtained (although disturbed) and a large database from which many useful correlations have been developed Usually SPT is carried out at every 0.75-m vertical interval or at the change of stratum in a borehole. This can be increased to 1.5 m if the depth of borehole is large. Due to the presence of boulders or rocks, it may not be possible to drive the sampler to a distance of 450 mm. In such a case, the N value can be recorded for the first 300-mm penetration. The boring log shows refusal and the test is halted if:
- 50 blows are required for any 150 mm penetration
- 100 blows are required for 300 mm penetration
- 10 successive blows produce no advance
- The drill rods should be of standard specification and should not be in bent condition.
- The split spoon sampler must be in good condition and the cutting shoe must be free from wear and tear.
- The drop hammer must be of right weight and the fall should be free, frictionless and vertical.
- The height of fall must be exactly 750 mm. Any change in this will seriously affect the N value.
- The bottom of the borehole must be properly cleaned before the test is carried out. If this is not done, the test gets carried out in the loose, disturbed soil and not in the undisturbed soil.
- When a casing is used in borehole, it should be ensured that the casing is driven just short of the level at which the SPT is to be carried out. Otherwise, the test gets carried out in a soil plug enclosed at the bottom of the casing.
- When the test is carried out in a sandy soil below the water table, it must be ensured that the water level in the borehole is lower than the ground water level in the borehole is always maintained slightly above the ground water level. If the water level in the borehole is lower than the ground water level, "quick condition may develop in the soil and very low N values may be recorded.
In spite of all these imperfections, SPT is still extensively used because the test is simple and relatively economical. It is the only test that provides representative soil samples both for visual inspection in the field and for natural moisture content and classification tests in the laboratory. Because of its wide usage, a number of time-tested correlations between N value and soil parameters are available, mainly for cohesion less soils. Even design charts for shallow foundations resting on cohesion less soils have been developed on the basis of N values. The use of N values for cohesive soils is limited, since the compressibility of such soils is not reflected by N values.
SPT values obtained in the field for sand have to be corrected before they are used in empirical correlations and design charts. IS: 2131 - 1981 recommends that the field value of N corrected for two effects, namely, (a) effect of overburden pressure, and (b) effect of dilatancy.
(a) Correction
for overburden pressure:
investigators have found that the overburden pressure influences the
penetration resistance or the N value in a granular soil. If two granular soils
possessing the same relative density but having different confining pressures
are tested, the one with a higher confining pressure gives a higher N value.
Since the confining pressure (which is directly proportional to the overburden
pressure) increases with depth, the N values at shallow depths are
underestimated and the N values at larger depths are overestimated. Hence, if
no correction is applied to recorded N values, the relative densities at
shallow depths will be underestimated and at higher depths, they will be
overestimated. To account for this, N values recorded (NR) from field tests at
different effective overburden pressures are corrected to a standard effective
overburden pressure.
The corrected N
value is given by
`N_{c}^{\prime}=C_{N} N_{R}`
`N_{c}^{\prime}` = corrected value of observed N value
`C_{N}` = correction factor for overburden pressure
`N_{R}` = Recorded or observed N value in the field
(b) Correction
for dilatancy:
correction is to be applied when N'c obtained after overburden correction,
exceeds 15 in saturated fine sands and silts. IS: 2131 - 1981 incorporates the
Terzaghi and Peck recommended dilatancy correction (when N'c > 15) using the
`N_{C}` = final corrected value to be used in design charts.
`N_{c}^{\prime}` > 15 is an indication of a dense sand, based on the assumption that critical void ratio occurs at approximately `N_{c}^{\prime}` = 15. The fast rate of application of shear through the blows of a drop hammer is likely to induce negative pore water pressure in saturated fine sand under undrained condition of loading. Consequently, a transient increase in shear resistance will occur, leading to a SPT value higher than the actual one.
Note: The
overburden correction is applied first. This value is used as observed N value
and then the dilatancy correction is applied.
Correlation of
'N' with engineering properties:
The value of
standard Penetration number depends upon the relative density of the
cohesionless soil and the UCC strength of the cohesive soil. The angle of
shearing resistance (Ø) of the cohesionless soil depends upon the number N. In
general, greater the N-value, greater is the angle of shearing resistance.
Table below gives the average values of Ø for different ranges of N
N |
Denseness |
`\emptyset` |
0-14 |
Very Loose |
`25^{\circ}-32^{\circ}` |
4-10 |
Loose |
`27^{\circ}-35^{\circ}` |
10-30 |
Medium |
`30^{\circ}-40^{\circ}` |
30-50 |
Dense |
`35^{\circ}-45^{\circ}` |
>50 |
Very Dense |
> `45^{\circ}` |
The consistency
and the UCS strength of the cohesive soils can be approximately determined from
the SPT number N. Table gives the approximate values of UCS strength for
different ranges of N.
N |
Consistency |
`q_{u}\left(k N / m^{2}\right)` |
0-2 |
Very Soft |
<25 |
2-4 |
Soft |
25-50 |
4-8 |
Medium |
50-100 |
8-15 |
Stiff |
100-200 |
15-30 |
Very Stiff |
200-400 |
>30 |
Hard |
>400 |
It can also be
determined from the following relation
`q_{u}` = 12.5 x N
`q_{u}`= UCS strength kN/m2
Observation Results and conclusions:
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